• Ranchero
  • Ranchero
  • Ranchero
  • Ranchero
  • Ranchero


Regular price $875.00

Today, you get a special treat - it’s called “Sex Panther” by FLKLR. It’s illegal in 9 countries. They have done studies, 100% of the time, works every time. It stings the pupils, in a good way.

6’6”.20”.2.5” Fabric inlay, single and ready to mingle, take her home and make this kitty purr. 
FLKLR we crush on cultures and all things art, this special board comes with a very unique fabric inlay by Alexander.

Shaped with love.

Size: Price:
• 6'6"+ 20.5", 2 3/4"
$875 usd
• Round Pin Tail
Shipping Avail.
• Single Fin
• Double Cut Lap
• 2 6/oz | White | Black String | Inlay


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